This briefing note provides an update on the activities of the Tayside Bus Alliance to date. The alliance is an initiative between local bus companies, councils, user groups, and the regional transport partnerships, supported by the Scottish Government Bus Partnership Fund. We are currently undertaking an appraisal of bus priority measures in a number of locations across the Tayside area, as well as the potential for bus service improvement partnerships. Details of the Bus Partnership Fund can be found at

A key aim of the alliance work will be the appraisal and recommendation of targeted improvements such as bus priority measures, route and network design enhancements.


The past month has seen a period of significant activities, that include the analysis of options, a part of developing a Case for Change; their impacts on and contribution to Transport Policy Objectives; and the launch of a public survey looking at preliminary priority options. The survey can be accessed on-line at:, and a hard copy version will be distributed across the immediate project area.

Other key milestones completed include:

  • Inception report, completed and signed off
  • Case for change, completed, with updates, and circulated
  • Initial options development

Regular primary and sub-group meetings have also been established and continue, including:

  • Match in Kind elements,
  • Communications and Consultation, and
  • Project Planning meeting

Details from the work are set out on the alliance website:

Current Activities

The team is currently engaged in the preliminary options appraisal. This includes a public survey which has been made available on-line, and in hard copy versions in areas most affected by the options under consideration.

Further work includes the development of expert workshops to consider engineering and practical options, to be held in early August. The workshops will be reported in the next briefing note.

Being Involved
We will provide regular updates on our progress through this briefing note, as well as on our website. You are able to subscribe for further information via our website (available shortly), or by email to our Project Manager, contact details are on our website. We are always happy to hear from you.

Details of our progress will be updated at our website:

Ref: 22072720JC